William Arbour
Learn more about my research and teaching below.
My current research agenda focuses on ways to encourage inmates' social reintegration through, for instance, rehabilitation programs and supervised transition. More broadly, I am interested in the economics of crime and education, and labor economics.
Please, find the most up-to-date version of my CV here.
Prison Rehabilitation Programs and Recidivism: Evidence from Variations in Availability (with Steeve Marchand and Guy Lacroix), accepted for publication at the Journal of Human Resources
Working Papers
Can Parole Reduce Both Time Served and Crime? (with Steeve Marchand)
status: revisions requested at American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
Beyond Traditional Risk Scores: Tackling LS/CMI Offender Misclassifications with Machine Learning (with Sébastien Brouillette-Alarie, Guy Giguère, Guy Lacroix and Steeve Marchand)
status: conditionally accepted at the Journal of Quantitative Criminology (email me for the manuscript)
Can Recidivism Be Prevented from Behind Bars? Evidence from a Behavioral Program
From Twitter to the Headlines? Uncovering Social Media's Role as a Political Agenda-Building Tool During an Election (with Jérémie Drouin, Adrien Cloutier and Yannick Dufresne)
status: submitted (email me for the manuscript)
Work in progress
What Occupations Do (with David Price)
What Does a Good Teacher Sound Like? (with Marlène Koffi and Philip Oreopoulos)
ECN-4194: Introduction à l'évalutation des politiques publiques
ECN-1160: Criminalité et économie
ECN-3550: Économie de la santé
ECN-2260: Économétrie appliquée
ECN-6370: Science des données en économie
Teaching Assistant
Principles of Microeconomics, Quantitative Methods (x3), Health Economics, Applied Econometrics (x3), Law and Economics